Porn: What’s Her Role in This? - Ep. 2

Season #3 Episode #24

SERIES: How to Support Your Porn Addicted Husband

Many of us have faced the difficulties and heartbreaks that surround sexual addiction. Gordon and I have had the unfortunate experience of this in our own life.

Ladies, oftentimes your natural response to this betrayal is:
“I hurt too much to help.”
“Why should I help? It’s not my problem”
“Why can’t you just get over it? I don’t ever feel tempted with this…”

However, in saying these things, we leave our men to fight alone.  
And this often leads them towards feelings of shame and guilt, so, he hides the problem.

But hiding is where sin thrives. The Devil isolates, so that he can assassinate.

Ladies, we must help our husbands fight. 
But what does that role look like exactly? 

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