How to Enjoy Every Season of Life

Season #2 Episode #36

How to Enjoy Every Season of Life
Our Secret to Finding Contentment in Every Stage of Life

When I (Tarah) started this online business, I didn’t know that it would take me 3+ years to even get it barely off the ground. It's changed a lot since those days. Now it's the 2 of us and we are still in the early stages of our business. You could say we are a “micro startup.” And the waiting isn’t fun. 

Gordon and I are what most people would call “starving artists.” While we are not actually starving, we are living at a bare minimum. But it’s a good season. It’s a growing season. It’s a learning season. It’s a season where we can understand how to manage what we do have in a healthy way so that hopefully one day we can learn to manage more.

There are days, though, when this season of life seems to drag on and I wonder when it will change. When will our season of barely scraping by, pass? Did I mention patience is really challenging for me?

It’s hard to feel content and happy when the world (and sometimes those closest to us) tells us where we need to be in life. We need to have this career, that husband, this many babies…we need to look like that, have a house that’s “Fixer Upper” perfect, make this much money, and on and on and on.

So how do we find contentment in a world of comparison?  Join the convo by clicking play :)

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