Fourth, Increase Your Data Plan. (How to Hear God’s Voice)
SERIES: How to Hear God’s Voice.
Building a relationship with God is paramount to being able to discern His voice from others. But we don't treat our relationship with Him the same as we do our other relationships. My best friend is a great example. We have been friends for over 30 years. I could pick her voice out of a crowd, know it's her by the way she walks or knocks on my door. The same could be said of my husband. The more time we spend with those we care about the more our ears are attuned to who they are.
It's the same with our Father, God. The more time we spend together the easier it is to hear Him. Are you taking the time to get to know His voice? Do you talk with Him on a regular basis or just when it's convenient or when you need something? No relationship will be long-lasting that way - especially no healthy one. God wants a healthy relationship with you.
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