Secondly, Check Your Voicemail. (How to Hear God’s Voice)

Season #2 Episode #26

SERIES: How to Hear God’s Voice.

Have you ever asked the question "How do I knoooow it's God speaking to me?"   Friend, you are not in this alone!  We usually ask this question when trying to find confirmation or direction in our lives.   Gordon and I have practiced the habit of seeking God for most things but there are still times of doubt, confusion, and sometimes anxiety.  And oftentimes these feelings lead us to a standstill.  We don't want to make a move without clarity and assurance, but "waiting on God" or "praying about it" for too long isn't good either.  Oy, doesn't it always comes back to balance?

Sometimes when we're at a standstill it's good for us to think back to the last thing we know, that we know, that we know, God said to us.  Maybe we aren't finding clarity now, because we haven't been obedient to the last thing He told us to do.  

We talk more about this in today's Podcast - Check Your Voicemail ;) 

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