Myth #13: Half of all Marriages End in Divorce (Dating + Marriage Myths)
SERIES: Dating + Marriage Myths
Rethinking Cultures Ideas and Reengaging With Reality.
First, a shoutout to researcher Shaunti Feldhahn! We absolutely love Shaunti's books (which are all researched based), and actually based today's myth off of her wonderful book "the good news about marriage." Because don't we need good news in the area of relationships?
If the 50% divorce rate is accurate, then why in the world do so many of us have the pull to get married in the first place? Could culture and old research be wrong about this number?
The answer is *Spoiler*, heck yes! And this is a beautiful thing!
Culture has told some of us that you have a 50:50 chance of marital success, but we've got another perspective. So click play and let's re-engage with reality!
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