Myth #10: Everyday Should be Valentines Day (Dating + Marriage Myths)

Season #2 Episode #21

SERIES: Dating + Marriage Myths
Rethinking Cultures Ideas and Reengaging With Reality.

"Everyday should be Valentines Day!"

C'mon, friends. I get where the idea is coming from, but it's seriously setting a bar that no one can reach.  Do I tell my husband "I love you," everyday? I sure hope so.  Do I go out of my way to make Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies everyday?  No I don't.  Why?  Because that's too much.

Holidays are special because they're a day out of the ordinary.  And that's what Valentines Day is also  all about - celebrating love in an extra special way... Like with a Peanut Butter Kiss Cookie :)

Culture has told some of us that every day should be valentines day thus ruling out this Holiday as unimportant or over-the-top, but we've got another perspective.  So click play and let's re-engage with reality! 

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