Myth #6: More Experience = Better Advice (Dating + Marriage Myths)
SERIES: Dating + Marriage Myths
Rethinking Cultures Ideas and Reengaging With Reality.
It seems that the older a person is, or the longer they've been at that job, or in that marriage, means they're the people we want to seek advice from. It sounds logical, right? Yes, and no.
There are people who have been married 20+ years and are thriving in their marriages, yes listen to them. There are also people who have been married 20+ years and are living as roommates, those are probably not the people you want to listen to on how to sustain a marriage.
Here's the thing, if we want great advice (especially on dating and marriage) it's important that we seek the people out who have what we want so to say. But we'll get into that more in today's episode ;)
Culture has told some of us that we should listen to those with the most experience, but we've got another perspective. So click play and let's re-engage with reality!
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