Myth #3: You Need to Date A lot of People (Dating + Marriage Myths)
SERIES: Dating + Marriage Myths
Rethinking Cultures Ideas and Reengaging With Reality.
The way we go about dating today is tough. What was once more of a success for a smaller pool of people has now become the primary way we meet - online. Remember the days when that seemed "creepy." Oh, how times have changed (and not necessarily for the better)!
Online dating culture has worked for a lot of people and that's wonderful! But for many, it has caused more harm than good. It is the epitome of "You need to date a lot of people." It's a system that's overcrowded and oftentimes leads to unhealthy behaviors in relationships.
But we could talk forever on this so let us refrain. Culture has told us you need to date around a lot but we've got another perspective. So click play and let's re-engage with reality!
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