Myth #2: You Can’t Prepare for Marriage (Dating + Marriage Myths)

Season #2 Episode #10

SERIES:  Dating + Marriage Myths
Rethinking Cultures Ideas and Reengaging With Reality.

Do You believe you can prepare for marriage?

Relationship expert Ed Wheat says, " As a family physician for almost four decades, I have observed that marriage with its tremendous significance often turns out to be the least prepared for event of life."

Marriage is a covenant relationship with one another for life. We need to expect that life means for as long as we both shall live until death do us part. Right?  That is usually a pretty long time!  And so often we rush our relationships to get married without adequate preparation.  Like it isn’t the biggest decision you'll ever make.  Oy.

Culture has told us we can't prepare for marriage, but we've got another perspective.  So click play and let's re-engage with reality! 

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