Myth #1: “The One” (Dating + Marriage Myths)

Season #2 Episode #9

SERIES: Dating + Marriage Myths:
Rethinking Cultures Ideas and Reengaging With Reality.

We just wrapped up a series all about "How to Find the One," so it's pretty ironic that we are launching  a new series about Dating + Marriage myths and we are kicking it off with -*surprise* -  the myth of "The One."   We promise it's not as counterintuitive as it looks.  

Ok, so what do we really mean when we say "myths"?   What we call Marriage and Dating Myths are cultural ideas that many of us have come to believe as truths.  We might say we don't believe these myths but you might find yourself surprised as we dive deeper into each one.

Some of the myths in this series are more obvious than others, but we want to dig up the roots of these misconceptions so that we can re-engage with what really makes up a healthy + thriving relationship.

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