Step 0: But First, Let Me Ask You This... (How to Find “The One”)
SERIES: How to Find "The One"
The question is: how do I find quality people? Where do I actually meet people who would be “Husband” or “Wife” material?
How to find someone that is compatible and complementary to who you are is something that most of us long for. But sometimes our eyes are focused too much on the long-term goal (finding a mate) that we forget to look at what we're doing to get there.
So, what are most of us doing? Easy! We are going on dates. But could the very thing we're all doing be the very thing that's causing the problem? Could it be that looking for a great date is not the answer?
So what is? We talk more about dating in this FUN series, but today's episode is all about what to look for when finding the ever ominous "One."
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