Season 2
Less Stressed More Blessed This Thanksgiving
Holidays...During a season that's supposed to be filled with joy, love, and laughter, oftentimes we are faced with overwhelm, anxiety, and discontentment. This episode is all about how to let go of our stress to...
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Myth #3: You Need to Date A lot of People (Dating + Marriage Myths)
SERIES: Dating + Marriage MythsRethinking Cultures Ideas and Reengaging With Reality.The way we go about dating today is tough. What was once more of a success for a smaller pool of people has now become the primary...
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Myth #2: You Can’t Prepare for Marriage (Dating + Marriage Myths)
SERIES: Dating + Marriage MythsRethinking Cultures Ideas and Reengaging With Reality.Do You believe you can prepare for marriage?Relationship expert Ed Wheat says, " As a family physician for almost four decades, I...
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Myth #1: “The One” (Dating + Marriage Myths)
SERIES: Dating + Marriage Myths:Rethinking Cultures Ideas and Reengaging With Reality.We just wrapped up a series all about "How to Find the One," so it's pretty ironic that we are launching a new series about Dating...
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Step 4: Become An Environmentalist. (How to Find “The One”)
SERIES: How to Find "The One"Step 4: Where's your hangout spot?The main question for this series so far has been: how do find quality people to date. Think about it this way-- where would your ideal spouse be hanging...
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Step 3: Reverse the Focus. (How to Find “The One”)
SERIES: How to Find "The One"Step 3: Look in the Mirror. Is that as cryptic as "Reverse the Focus?"So often we're focusing so much on what we want, that we forget to focus on what our future spouse deserves: someone...
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Step 2: Start Gardening. (How to Find “The One”)
SERIES: How to Find "The One"Step 2: Start GardeningYou might be asking what gardening has anything to do with dating... and that would be a fair concern. Gardening in the typical sense has absolutely nothing to do...
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Step 1: Give It Up. (How to Find “The One”)
SERIES: How to Find "The One"If there is one thing we learned in our years of "dating" is that it requires lots of intentionality. Finding a great mate also requires patience, endurance, and lots of faith. We say...
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Step 0: But First, Let Me Ask You This... (How to Find “The One”)
SERIES: How to Find "The One"The question is: how do I find quality people? Where do I actually meet people who would be “Husband” or “Wife” material?How to find someone that is compatible and complementary to who...
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How to do it in Real Life (Craving Community? Pt 3)
SERIES: Craving Community? The Real Secret to the True Community You Long For.We need BOTH Loyalty + Vulnerability to move our relationships from the shallow to the deep end. But how do we move our relationships...
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Loyalty + Vulnerability (Craving Community? Pt 2)
SERIES: Craving Community? The Real Secret to the True Community You Long For.Oh community. It's all around us, but still outside of our grasp. Why is that? How can one be in a community but still feel alone? ...
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The One Time God Said, “Not Good” (Craving Community? Pt 1)
SERIES: Craving Community? The Real Secret to the True Community You Long For.We are more connected than ever before. But ironically, we are also more lonely and isolated than ever. What has our culture been...
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